Gonzofest 2025
It’s now less than six months until Gonzofest 2025. This is the (more or less) annual celebration of the life and work of Hunter S. Thompson. As that pretty incredible artwork says, the event is taking place in New Orleans. It will be held over three days from May 15 to 18 and will take…
Hunter S. Thompson’s Brazilian Immigration Card
I was doing some research on another project recently (totally unrelated to Hunter S. Thompson) and I accidentally stumbled upon this interesting historical document: This is the immigration card Hunter Thompson signed when he arrived in Brazil on May 25, 1962. (Note that the card appears to say “1960.”) He spent most of that year…
What Happened to Gonzo Girl?
About two years ago, Patricia Arquette retweeted one of my posts on the social network currently—and rather ridiculously—known as X. I had posted something about Hunter S. Thompson and she seemed to approve of it. I was surprised until a Google search informed me she was working on a movie about Hunter… or rather about…
Beer Boat Blues
In 1962, a young Hunter S. Thompson set off on a journey around South America. Still a few years away from his Hell’s Angels fame, he was at this point a relatively inexperienced journalist attempting to get some big-time bylines. He’d managed to get a few pieces published in 1960 and ’61 but his big…
Ghanaian Film Poster for Fear and Loathing
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, the 1998 movie adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson’s classic novel, has been given the Ghanaian film poster treatment. If that means nothing to you, then here’s a quick run-down, courtesy of Wikipedia: A Ghanaian film poster is a film poster hand-painted in Ghana used to advertise films produced in…
When Freak Power Failed
In 1970, Hunter S. Thompson ran for Sheriff of Pitkin County on the Freak Power ticket. Freak Power was a political movement he developed with a group of friends in and around Woody Creek in response to what they perceived as negative developments in the area. Ultimately, Thompson did not succeed in his bid to…
Hunter S. Thompson Book Covers
The following is a collection of covers for Hunter S. Thompson books. It is not an exhaustive list and I will continue adding to it over time. Feel free to send me any covers you think should be added. Note: I am only including books written by Thompson or collections of his work. There are…
A Review of a Recent HST Quote Book
For the past year or so, I’ve frequently seen Amazon advertisements for a book that seems to be called Hunter S. Thompson’s Little Book of Selected Quotes: on Life, America, and Adventure. I was obviously sceptical and so I did not buy it, but yesterday my curiosity got the better of me. First of all,…
Call for Submissions
The following is for anyone interested in contributing to a forthcoming book on Hunter S. Thompson. Critical Interpretations on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Cheek Press in conjunction with White Fields Press is accepting submissions of critical interpretations on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The book will be edited by Ron Whitehead and Kent Fielding and…
7 Hunter S. Thompson Articles You Can Read Online for Free
If you want to read Hunter S. Thompson’s best work, then go read his books. You’ll find most of his best articles in The Great Shark Hunt, a collection of his work up to 1979. However, if you just want to see what’s available online for free (and let’s keep it nice and legal, eh?),…